June 24, 2018: A short felicitation programe was planned on Sunday June 24th, after the children’s mass for those who have secured 85% and more in Tenth and PUC. The toppers were honoured with a gift and bouquet by Fr. Ivan D’souza.  Parish Priest Fr. Ivan D’souza congratulated the toppers as well as the parents for motivating the children. He also reminded the other children to take their example and to do well in this academic year. Mrs. Meena Pinto convenor of social & cultural committee, presented the names of the toppers. Parish council Vice President Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas and Secretary Mrs. Irene Pinto were present for programe.











10th Std.

1.Nishell Deena Crasta(Carmel Ward)-85%

2.Lanson Fernandes –(St. Joseph Ward) -89%

3.Larren Peter Pinto –(Avila Ward)-88%

4.Neha Mendonca-(Little Flower)-92%

5.Joswin Varsh Pinto(Avila Ward)-93%

6.Francisca Melissa D’souza(Carmel Ward)-91%

7.Fabiola Clarrissa  D’souza(Carmel Ward)-88%



1.Diya D’cunha(Carmel Ward)-97%

2.Prinson Joel(Carmel Ward) 93%

3.Sherwin Adrian(Little Flower)89%

4.Dion Raymond Menezes-85%

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