Pics: Clanute Cj
May 23, 2015: Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi , which was inaugurated in the month of January is growing in spirit and might. Within a short period of its establishment as a parish under the able leadership of Fr. Melwyn D’Cunha, is now sadly wishes farewell to him and welcomes Fr. Shabas Crasta as her new pastor!.
Fr Shabas Crasta on 23rd May, Saturday at 3.30 pm arrived at the parish as a new Pastor of Infant Mary church. Fr. Melwyn And Joseph Pinto, Vice President of the Parish, welcomed him with a garland. Fr. Shabas promised to be the pastor according to the heart of Jesus and to tend the folk given in his charge with diligence and great Love.
Bishop’s representative Rev. Fr. Valerian, Parish Priest of Cordel church was the witness. Fr. Shabas Crasta, hails from Narampadi. Right after his ordination he wished to go to Tanzania, Africa as a missionary and served the People there for about 20 years. Now after his long stay in Africa has returned to India and humbly accepted the new mission at Bajjodi. Friars from St. Joseph’s monastery, Ashadeepa and Rishivana were present for this ceremony. Parishioners gathered in good number welcomed and wished their new pastor.
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