October 21, 2018 : The feast of St John Berchmans, patron saint of the Altar Servers was celebrated at Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi on Oct. 21st, 2018. The celebration began with a Solemn High Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Jocy D’souza and concelebrated by Fr. Patrick Lobo. The Altar Servers were all vested for the occasion and Sodality members also participated in the liturgy of the day.

In the evening, a short, entertaining program was arranged in the Main Hall. Parish Priest, Asst. Priest, Vice President Joseph Mascarenhas. Secretary Irene Pinto were present for the programme. Shreyas welcomed the gathering. Vinoy read the annual report. The young boys and girls entertained the gathering with their beautiful performances of dance, speech and skits. Fr. Ivan D’souza in his message appreciated their service and invited the parents to send their children for Altar Servers meetings. Fr.Ivan Dsouza conducted few fun-filled games for all boys and girls. Prizes were distributed to the Children. Erel proposed the vote of thanks. Kevin & Maria compered the programe. Animator Sr. Lydwin as well as Sylvia and Jonita coordinated the programme. The programme concluded with Altar Servers Anthem.

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