Oct 26, 2017: The Legion of Mary Association of the parish celebrated their Annual Day on 18th October 2017 in the evening at 4:00 p.m. Parish Priest Fr. Shabas was the main celebrant. The Diocesan Spiritual Director of Legion of Mary Fr. Francis D’Souza and Asst. Priest Fr. Ivan D’souza concelebrated the thanksgiving mass where all the members of association joined together and thanked God for all His blessings. After the mass at 6:00 p.m. the members arranged the cultural programe at Parish Hall.






The programme began with the Prayer Song by Legion of Mary members. Soon after a short stage programe was held. Vice President, Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas, Secretary Mrs. Irene Pinto, Mrs. Philomena, Mrs. Lucy Crasta, Sr. Lydwin were present on the dais. The programe was inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Mrs. Lucy Crasta the president of the association welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Hilda Monis read out the annual report.

Parish Priest Fr. Shabas Crasta addressed the gathering and appreciated the members for their service to the parish and for society. Few entertainment programs and games were conducted by the members. A skit ‘Transformation’ written and directed by Mrs. Stetta D’souza was enacted by the members was meaningful and appreciated by all. Mrs. Janet D’souza compered the programe. Raveena D’souza proposed the vote of thanks.
















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