Oct 21, 2017 : The feast of St.Theresa of Lisieux, popularly known as Little flower was celebrated by the members of Little flower ward on October, 1st Sunday. The thanksgiving mass was held at 9.15am in the Church. Soon after mass a short get-together was organized in the Parish Hall.

The occasion was graced by the presence of Parish clergy, Vice President, Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas; Secretary Mrs. Irene Pinto, Sr. Lydwin and leaders of different wards.

The programe began with the Prayer. The programe was inaugurated by lighting the lamp.

Mrs. Philomena Mendonca extended a warm welcome to all the dignitaries. Mrs. Molly Concesso briefed the activities of the ward in the annual report. Parish Priest felicitated 7 youngsters, Ms. Clerita lobo, Mrs. Gretta lobo, Mr. William D’souza and the senior members of the community. A good number of entertainment programe sand games were conducted to make all happy. Parish priest in his address congratulated the ward members for the well organized programe. He also sought the support and cooperation of the members to the ward leader for the betterment of the ward.

Brandon Braganza compered the programe while Mr. Jerry Lobo proposed the vote of thanks. The programe concluded with the delicious meal.

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