The feast of St Cecelia, the patroness of musicians is celebrated on the 22nd of November. She is revered as the patron saint of the choir in the Catholic Church as she sang out to the Lord during her times of pain and joy. The Choir group of Infant Mary Church celebrated their Patrons feast of St. Cecelia on Saturday, 23rd of November, 2019. The solemn Eucharistic celebration was at 5.30pm. The liturgy was done by the Choir members.

Soon after the mass all the Choir members assembled for a get together at the Church Mini Hall. Fr. Ivan Dsouza addressed the group and congratulated the choir members and also thanked the entire choir group. About 25 members were present for the programme. Sr. Roopa conducted the innovative games for the Choir members. The programme was well compered by Mrs. Meena Pinto.

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