Nov.14, 2017: "We were all children once. We all share the desire for the wellbeing of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind." Children’s Day celebrations focus on children and their enjoyment. The day is celebrated to pay tribute to the legendary freedom fighter popularly known as cha-cha. The occasion is celebrated every year with grand splendor and fiesta. At Infant Mary Church this day was commemorated with immense joy, enthusiasm and magnificence.








In the evening there was a special mass for the Children. Fr. Ivan D’souza celebrated the Holy Eucharist and prayed and blessed all the Children. On this day theme based wardwise Children’s Group Selfie Competition was held.

Theme based Wardwise group selfie Winners:

First      : Infant Mary Ward

Second : St. Antony Ward

Third     : St. Joseph Ward

1st Place - Infant Mary Ward


2nd place - St. Antony Ward


3rd Place - St. Joseph Ward


Little Flower Ward


Lourdes Ward


Sacred Heart Ward


Avila Ward


Carmel Ward


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