May 14, 2017: 10 children received first Holy Communion for the first time at Infant Mary Church on Sunday May 14th. The solemn Eucharistic celebration was at 9 a.m.

Parish Priest Fr. Shabas Crasta was the main Celebrant along with Asst. Priest Fr. Ivan D’souza and other 4 guest Priests.  Fr. Ivan D’souza preached an inspiring homily to the children.

The joy of welcoming Jesus into their lives and renewing their baptismal promises was evident in the cherubic smiles of the children. At the end Parish Priest Fr. Shabas Crasta thanked all those responsible for making the celebration an enriching experience.

All the children who received the First Holy Communion were given the Scapular, Rosary and New Testament on the occasion.


































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