Jan 31, 2017: The Parish Day was celebrated at Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi on Sunday 29th January 2017. Prior to the formal and cultural celebrations held at the Parish Hall, a thanksgiving Eucharist was con-celebrated by Fr Charles Serrao - (Provincial - Karnataka Goa Province) along with Fr Dominic Vas - (Director - Dhyanava Spirituality Centre), Fr. Joe Tauro, Fr. Raymond, Fr. Jocy, Fr. Prakash, Fr. Sunil, Fr. Francis, Parish Priest Fr. Shabas and Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Ivan D’souza. Fr. Dominic Vas preached a vibrant sermon on the theme ‘The Good Shepherd’.






Infant Mary Church and parishioners cannot imagine Parish Day celebration without the cultural program to make it eventful and memorable. Then it was time to move into the Parish Hall for the cultural programe. The programe began with a prayer dance by small children followed by stage programe. Vice President, Joseph Mascarenhas extended the official welcome to all the dignitaries followed by Secretary Irene Pinto reading the Parish Annual Report of happenings/ activities. Chief guest Fr. Dominic Vas gave us the message that we need to have belongingness that this is our Parish. Provincial Fr. Charles Serrao praised the beautifully organized and well managed program to display unity and togetherness prevailing in the parish. Parish Priest Fr. Shabas Crasta in his message said that we need to give priority to Spiritual activities he also thanked the parishioners for their constant support.






The cultural extravaganza began with a Parish Day song by Parish Choir. Fr. Ivan D’souza presented a Audio Visual presentation of the parish activities. A thought-provoking skit “Modern Zacchaeus” written by Stella D’souza and acted superbly by SVP members. Legion of Mary, Children and youth and other association members with their dance, skit, and jokes enthralled the large gathering of parishioners and others for over two hours. It was indeed a great “Parish Day” celebration. Cultural programe was compered by Eugine D’cunha. Cultural committee convener Meena Pinto proposed the vote of thanks. 















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