Sep 7, 2016 : Kavita Trust in association with Konkani Natak Sabha organized "Konkani Poetry Recitation Competition" at Don Bosco Hall, Mangaluru on Sunday September 4.

The competition was held in three categories- below 15 years, 15 to 30 years and above 30 years.





In the below 15 years category, 13 participants took part in the competition.

Ashton Mascarenhas, Bajjodi was qualified for the finals of Nelson and Lavina Rodricks, Cha Fra Decosta Memorial All Karnataka Konkani Poetry Reciting Competition to be held on November 6.





As many as 13 participants took part in the 15 to 30 years category.

Fevisha Fernandes, Bajjodi qualified for the finals of Rohan and Lavita Monteiro, All India Konkani Poetry Reciting Competition to be held on November 6 at the World Konkani Centre during the Sahitya Samaroh.





In the above 30 years category, 15 competitors took part in the competition.

Irene Pinto of Bajjodi Parish bagged the first prize and Santhosh Veigas of Bajjodi parish bagged the third prize.

Kavita Trust distributed certificates and poetry books to all the participants.









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