With great zeal and enthusiasm of the youth of ICYM Bajjodi unit, three day “Summer  Camp 2016- Friends for peace and a better place” was inaugurated at Infant Mary Church Bajjodi  by the ICYM director  of the unit - Fr. Jocy, Parish Council vice president - Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas and secretary - Mrs. Irene Pinto in a very innovative way on May 16, 2016.









The first day of Summer  Camp 2016 took the theme - PEACE and 80 children and youth were present in white for the camp which was  held from 8.30 AM to 12.30 PM. The camp began with a prayer. Mr. Arun D’Souza president of ICYM Bajjodi unit welcomed the gathering.

A wonderful message on the theme “Friends for peace and a better place” was given by Fr. Jocy. Joswin Pinto compered the formal programme.
Later, Children were divided into three groups based on their class of study. Action songs, Ice breaker sessions were conducted for all the children. A talk on health and hygiene was given by Ms. Sharon- lecturer Father Muller medical college to the children from 4th to PUC.

Special attraction for the day was the ‘MAGIC SHOW’ by Fr. Paul, asst. Parish priest of Rosario Cathedral who with his wonderful magics depicted knowledge of the Bible. Day 1 of the camp concluded with action songs conducted by the youth.






























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