“Happiness is not so much in having as sharing

We make a living with what we get,

but we make life with what we give ”

Feb 28, 2019 : As a good deed for this Lenten season, youth  of Indian Catholic Youth Movement(ICYM) Bajjodi took an initiative to visit the inmates of Sneha Deep,Kapikad. 21 youth from Bajjodi visited 14 little children at Sneha Deep. Fr. Jocy, Asst. parish priest, Infant Mary Church Bajjodi, gave a wonderful message to the children and to the youth present there.  Mr. Santosh Veigas conducted games and Ms. Jonita lead the action songs for the children and made them happy.The inmates took an active part and were really enthusiastic and joined in giving their performances with the youth .Ms. Shalon Pais compered the programme. ICYM president Mr. Clanute Lobo and Secretary Mr.Rainish along with ICYM Director Fr.Jocy ,co-ordinator Mr.Santosh and other ICYM  members presented the gifts brought of the children  to Sr.Jenivia,the care taker of the inmates of Sneha Deep.Items bought and collected  from the generous people o f Bajjodi were also handed over .Refreshments were served  for the evening and dinner was provided for the inmates. On the whole the youth of Bajjodi had a fruitful evening this Lenten season with the little inmates of Sneha Deep.

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