The Choir members of Infant Mary Parish celebrated their feast in honour of St Cecilia, the patroness of Music and Musicians on Saturday, 25th November 2023. The Celebration began with the Holy Eucharist at 5.30 pm. Rev. Fr. Cyril Menezes was the main celebrant. Deacon Pranam Fernandes con celebrated the mass and preached the Homily. The liturgy was conducted by the Choir members.

The Holy Mass was followed by a short get together which began with a prayer song. Ms. Neha Mendonca welcomed Rev. Fr. Dominic Vas, Fr. Cyril Menezes, Dn. Pranam Fernandes and the gathering. Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Dominic Vas in his message briefed the members about their Patroness St. Cicilia. He appreciated the Choir Master Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas and the choir members for their selfless service and encouraged them to continue this service and also spread their enthusiasm and talent by participating in diocesan competitions. The members sang a group song. This was followed by a few fun games conducted by the youth of the choir which brought a lot of interaction and liveliness in the group. Mr. Joseph Mascarenhas proposed the Vote of Thanks. Prizes were then awarded to the winners after which all had a meal together. The program ended with baila dance at 9.30 pm.

The program was compered by Ms. Neha Mendonca.
















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