On Saturday, 28th October 2023, the Infant Mary Parish gave a send off to Fr Rayan Pinto who has served in our parish for around 3 years along with his civil law studies.

Fr Rayan offered 5.30 pm mass during which the parish community prayed for his intentions. It was followed by a short send off program.

Prayer song was sung by the youth choir. Then Jennifer D’Sousa welcomed the gathering. Fr Rayan was felicitated by Sri Prakash Saldhana, PPC vice president. Fr Dominic Vas, PP, sang a beautiful song summarising the qualities of Fr Rayan. The Parish choir sang a farewell song.

Then Fr Rayan thanked all the parishioners for their love and concern. Meena pinto thanked everyone. Assuntha Mendonsa compèred the program.

Finally all the parish Associations felicitated and thanked Fr Rayan.

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