A Recollection Talk was held for all members of the Secular Carmel of Bajjodi Unit from 10am to 1pm on 26th February 2023 in the Parish Mini Hall. Fr. Deep Fernandes, Delegate Provincial of OCDs was the Resource Person.

Spiritual Assistant Fr Ivan D'souza welcomed Fr. Deep Fernandes. The session began by invoking God’s blessings. President of OCDs Asuntha Mendonca introduced Fr. Deep Fernandes to the gathering and Fr. Ivan D'souza presented him with a bouquet of flowers. Fr. Deep Fernandes gave a talk on behavioural pattern in our day to day lives. With reference to the verses in the Bible, he imparted to us the knowledge of how God expects us to live our lives, how we should live based on God’s word and how we can overcome our weaknesses by changing the way we see things and situations in our lives. Love for God and our complete Trust in Him, that He will provide everything that we need will bring contentment in us. By focussing on every little blessing in our lives rather than what we do not have - will help us change our reaction from worry to acceptance and Peace in every situation.








Gracy Fernandes proposed the Vote of Thanks. Twenty Two members attended the recollection talk and gained a positive outlook towards life.

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